When I was planning my trip during the last few months, I sent an email to the Molino Caputo company, asking if I would be able to visit when I was in Naples. The email encouraged me to contact them upon my arrival, although there was no commitment.
Yesterday, I called and asked if I could come by. They sounded tepid about the visit... "we don't do tours for just anyone." Well, I made my case and they agreed. I was to show up at 10 AM this morning, sharp. I arrived a bit early. Actually, I wasn't sure I was in the right place. The building is very nondescript. There is no "Molino Caputo" sign outside. However, by chance, the bay doors opened when I arrived for a delivery of grain. I peaked in, and sure enough, there was bags of flour back there... bingo!
Before heading in, I grabbed un caffe at the bar down the street.
I entered and met Antimo Caputo and his uncle. I introduced myself and told him my plans for pizzicletta. I received some questionable glances and the inevitable question, "How old are you?"
Next, we visited the mill. This was awesome. They showed me the 22-consecutive stages they employ to turn the grain into the flour. This is a delicate phase and by doing so many stages, they are able to preserve the protein from the raw grain. If you would grind down in one or a few stages, it would obliterate protein in the grain. Next, the ground flour is shot back to the top of the mill and separated from the husk or the bran. I captured a video of these shaker machines doing the separating. Pretty cool (and loud).
Now down one level to the packaging. Here they bag up the flour. During this part of the tour, I learned what the difference was between the "red" and "blue" label flour. The blue pizzeria flour (which is what I use) is more delicate and is ground finer. The red is more coarse and is meant to be used if you plan to make a lot of dough for use over many days. The red is better for warmer climates where the blue dough might over-ferment. I was happy to hear I've been using the correct flour for my pies in Flagstaff.
After packaging, the flour is loaded onto trucks and taken out for delivery. When I asked if business was good, they emphatically said "yes" and attributed much of it to the Neapolitan-boom in the US.
We ended the tour back in the office where we talked more about pizza, the business, my cycling trip and the origins of pizzicletta (home oven, cycling, etc). I stated how I was here because I wanted to know the origins of the food that I use and serve and the story behind that food. They were kind of blown away and really dug it. It was one of those moments when you look someone in the eye and you really connect.
But I had one more question... "Where do you go in Naples for pizza?" Recall, I still have one night left here! They stated a couple of places (Pizzeria La Notizia and Starita). The former is owned by Enzo Coccia, whom I've read a great deal about on Slice. The latter makes a fried pizza, that is apparently quite good. Sounds pretty crazy, but I think these guys know a thing or two about pizza. Both pizzerias are a ways away on the west or north side of town. I need to do some research about the travel before deciding where to go tonight. Stay tuned...
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