So I hope you follow along. I won't be posting everyday but I hope what I do bring is something entertaining, insightful and vulnerable in the best of ways. I’ll definitely discuss food, travel by bike and all the small joys and logistical struggles bike touring offers.

eating and drinking my way around Italy by bicycle
Sunday, October 6, 2019
9 years later. A return to Pizzicletta’s roots.
Today I set off for another trip to Italy to spend two weeks cycling through Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany and Umbria. While I've made many trips back to the inspirational motherland that turned a hobby into Pizzicletta, this trip is different in a number of ways.
First off, I'll be sharing this trip with Jenny. This is special in a number of ways. We've gotten to know one another through pizza and Pizzicletta specifically. She was a formal employee and date night now is most often at one of the two pizzerias. We also thrive and build our relationship around adventures. Biking Italy is certainly in that realm and it's the first time I'll get to share this kind of trip with someone else. In the build up to this trip I reread my journal from my 2010 trip and one of the themes there was a bit of loneliness. That trip was still the most amazing and reflective 40 days of my life but I recall many times thinking it would've been an amazing thing to share.
The second big thing about this trip is already mentioned. We'll be bike touring! We actually fly into Bologna specifically to get my touring bike I left there in 2010. It's been sitting in the garage of a friend, Martina, whom I went to college with in Indiana. It's going to need some work before we hit the road but I very much look forward to hopping back on the bike that took me across Italy in 2010.
So what are our aspirations for the trip? For Jenny, it's to eat pasta everyday (amongst others) :) For me, to relax, think less about work and live each moment. I was actually a little hesitant to continue the blog as it pulls me back to work a bit. However, the joy of writing (something I don't get to do enough currently at home) and the fact that these trips have and will continue to inspire my work.
As the planning of the trip began, I wondered if this blog was still live and editable. Turns out it was and had just been waiting on the internet for me to pick back up where I'd left it. So I figured what the hell, might as well share these travels with the broader audience of Pizzicletta's staff, guests and followers. I've realized that the story of Pizzicletta is more powerful and fun to share then I had thought it'd ever be and our name is truly the roots of this company.
Of course the last meal before the trip was at Pizzicletta with our friends Rivs and Steph. It was great to reconnect with them after a summer that sent all of us traveling in separate ways. Hopefully we’ll track down some pizza as good as last night but we’ll see :) Thanks to Vinny and Dylan for the photobomb.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
my return to the peel
firing my oven |
Finally, I wanted to mention that I will be starting a new blog on the pizzas and breads that I will be making over the next few months. I'll provide a link on this post in the future and will keep people in the loop on Facebook too.
my Mom and I in Sedona, my backyard |
Okay, now back to my return home. I'll start my discussion with wine. My Mom (Laura) and her friend, Gary, were here this week for Thanksgiving and we decided to head to Sedona and Page Springs Cellars (PSC) for some the sights and some wine. Gary had never been to Northern Arizona and the red rocks of Sedona is a must for any visitor. Since we were in the area we decided to have a tasting at PSC (this also gave me the opportunity to pick up my quarterly wine release). PSC is a small vineyard in Northern Arizona that focuses its production on Rhone-style wines. Their wines reflect many you can find in the southern Rhone of France.
PSC grow a lot of syrah, mourvedre, and grenache, which are the main varietals you'll find in the Rhone. Most of their wines are blends and could be classified as fairly rustic with the heavy use of syrah. I really enjoy this style of wines and my time drinking wine at PSC was really was what tipped me into the oenophile category from the casual sipper. Another aspect I really enjoy about PSC is their staff in the tasting room. I know most of these folks by their first name and they always make me feel like a king when I am there. It was a great afternoon and it was really interesting to compare the wines with all I had been drinking in Italy. Overall, the spice I tasted in these wines (mostly from syrah) was a bit of a shock in my mouth. Thinking about it more, I had realized that I didn't drink a single syrah in Italy, so this perception shouldn't be too surprising.
From wine, I'll proceed to bread. With the construction of my oven a few years ago, I've really enjoyed making hearth breads in addition to pizza. I think this is an internal craving I have from my time at Lorenzo's. Unfortunately, there are no good bakeries in Flagstaff baking traditional hearth breads, so I crave it and will purchase it whenever I have the chance. With my oven, however, I can bake my own. I've started a tradition on Thanksgiving of baking and delivering hearth breads to friends. Essentially, I spend half of Thanksgiving day preparing the dough, firing the oven, and baking. Then, I make some deliveries and return home for dinner. I really enjoy providing something unique to friends in town and they too really appreciate it. This year, I made three different types of bread: Rustic Bread, Potato Bread, and a 100% Whole Wheat Bread. They all turned out pretty good and everyone was thrilled to receive a loaf. The Rustic Bread was a new one and it was my favorite. It had a nice hearty flavor from an addition of rye and whole wheat flour.
a loaf of my Thanksgiving Day Potato Bread |
I made a few margherita's and my version of the mister, the pizza I had at Il Portatico in Venosa. The pies were good but, as usual, I found something I would have liked to improve. Specifically, these pies did not have the char and leopard-pattern on the crust that I strive for. The flavor and topping combinations were great, nonetheless.
my version of the Mister... tomato, mozzarella, prosciutto, arugula, cherry tomato, and grana padano |
a loaf of Rustic Bread... the crust of this bread was exceptional. |
Friday, November 19, 2010
Signing off from Bologna
This will likely be my last post of the trip. If I happen upon some amazing pizza tonight or during my travel back (Madrid?), than I may have to add one more. Hopefully there will be no need to break out a kleenex for this one... but maybe I will.
The second reason I'm glad to be coming back during Thanksgiving is that, of all our holidays, I believe it is the one in which Americans emphasize food and sharing meals with loved ones. These are concepts so interwoven into Italian culture that, in some ways, retunign now makes this next week an extension of my trip... just substitute the turkey for the pasta. I'm very happy to have my mom in town for the holiday as well and what a better time to share the stories and photos of the trip.
As this is the final post, I wanted to conclude with the number one take home message that I learned during my time here. Yes, I ate lots of pizza, picked up great concepts, drink many glasses of wine, and met amazing people, but these things do not summarize my trip in my mind. Rather, its that belief in one's self is an amazing thing. Before and during the trip, I was constantly asked if I was scared or worried about being in the country alone and traveling by bike. My typical answer was no and that I felt well prepared. But deep down, yes, there was concern and anxiety. However, and more importantly, I really believed that I could make this trip successful in all the aspects I wanted to (e.g. seeing as much as I could and creating partnerships with Italian food producers). I knew I'd have to work hard on the bike, be flexible with my schedule, speak from the heart, and listen rather than just hear. When the time came, I delivered on these points and it allowed me to make the most of my daily destinations and meet and hear the story and culture of many Italians.
As many of you know, I have ambitious plans for the near future. Again, deep down there is fear and anxiety about making it a reality and from Italy, I bring back many concepts, recipes, and stories that will be amazingly valuable. But of greater importance and something that is invaluable, I bring back a deeper sense of belief in myself and in my hopes for bringing something unique to our community. I know I am excited and I hope you are too.
Ciao e grazie to all of my dear friends and family. Your pizzaiolo is heading home.
a simple meal allowing for old friends to catch up |
Ending my trip is Bologna has been an extra bonus. The town has a lot to see and catching up with my friend Martina has been a real treat. Its been almost six years since we'd seen each other. Martina has lived in Bologna most of her life and has spent a few years in the states. We shared a meal and some wine (the Sesti) together last night. The meal was simple and light... bread and cheese and a salad that Martina made. The salad was made with pear, pecorino, and honey. Also very simple and with a little sweet and a little salty. It was awesome. After many hours of talking, Martina then made a ricotta-based cake. It was sweet and really moist. Yum! I slept well!!
Our conversation during the meal was what you might expect between friends who have not seen one another in a while... memories, questions about mutual friends, our current work and life, and the like. We talked about my trip and the pizza I've been enjoying. She made one comment that really kind of hit home, I thought. During her first time to the states she went to a Pizza Hut and ordered a couple of slices. When she saw the two pieces, she thought, "this will not fill me up." But actually, she could not finish it because the loads of processed cheese, thick crust, and greasiness were so filling. In Italy, finishing a whole Neapolitan pizza is no problem for most folks and it doesn't leave you feeling like you've overeaten (and a Neapolitan pizza is about twice the area of two Pizza Hut slices). The fresh ingredients and light crust of true Neapolitan pizza really is a whole different world compared to the typical American slice. This is definitely a point to bring home and one I thought worth mentioning here.
Our conversation during the meal was what you might expect between friends who have not seen one another in a while... memories, questions about mutual friends, our current work and life, and the like. We talked about my trip and the pizza I've been enjoying. She made one comment that really kind of hit home, I thought. During her first time to the states she went to a Pizza Hut and ordered a couple of slices. When she saw the two pieces, she thought, "this will not fill me up." But actually, she could not finish it because the loads of processed cheese, thick crust, and greasiness were so filling. In Italy, finishing a whole Neapolitan pizza is no problem for most folks and it doesn't leave you feeling like you've overeaten (and a Neapolitan pizza is about twice the area of two Pizza Hut slices). The fresh ingredients and light crust of true Neapolitan pizza really is a whole different world compared to the typical American slice. This is definitely a point to bring home and one I thought worth mentioning here.
Torre Garisenda and Asinelli in Bologna |
In Bologna, I also walked the centro storico. It was an absolutely beautiful day (could've used this one yesterday!). The town has a lot of great little shops that I enjoyed walking through and seeing all the local specialties. It was kind of like Eataly... the newly opened market in NYC that is modeled after the real thing. There are official Eataly marketplaces in Italy, but the model is one that you can find in many Italian towns. Basically, think of finding local produce, bread, wine, treats all under one roof and you have Eataly.
In the center of town there are two towers, Torre Garisenda and Asinelli. Asinelli is the taller one in the photo, on the right. You can huff it to the top of it, which I did. It was a workout as my legs still feel like jello from yesterday. From the towers, the town radiates out along twelve main streets. Each one leads to one of the twelve porti (entrances) into the centro storico. So Bologna kind-of resembles a bike wheel with the spokes radiating from the hub. appropriate, I thought. I picked up some local focaccia-style bread called crescente for lunch. During the day, I felt half-tourist, with my camera close by, but also half-local... I knew the routine of ordering food, of navigating the streets, and the hours I could expect all the the restaurants and bars to be packed with eberyone taking their lunch brea.
My flight is early tomorrow morning and I will soon find myself back in the comforts, community, and embraces of friends and family in Flagstaff. I am happy to be coming back during the week of Thanksgiving. It seems very appropriate. The first reason being that my trip has once again been flawless in the sense of safety, major incidents, or any other trip-stopping problems. I had one flat! I am not a religious person, but I do believe that the world has a spirituality that keeps watch on us. Perhaps I too was cared for and held up the winds of the world, even if they were blowing in my face half the time. So, I give thanks to the winds that blow.In the center of town there are two towers, Torre Garisenda and Asinelli. Asinelli is the taller one in the photo, on the right. You can huff it to the top of it, which I did. It was a workout as my legs still feel like jello from yesterday. From the towers, the town radiates out along twelve main streets. Each one leads to one of the twelve porti (entrances) into the centro storico. So Bologna kind-of resembles a bike wheel with the spokes radiating from the hub. appropriate, I thought. I picked up some local focaccia-style bread called crescente for lunch. During the day, I felt half-tourist, with my camera close by, but also half-local... I knew the routine of ordering food, of navigating the streets, and the hours I could expect all the the restaurants and bars to be packed with eberyone taking their lunch brea.
the stairs of Torre Asinelli |
As this is the final post, I wanted to conclude with the number one take home message that I learned during my time here. Yes, I ate lots of pizza, picked up great concepts, drink many glasses of wine, and met amazing people, but these things do not summarize my trip in my mind. Rather, its that belief in one's self is an amazing thing. Before and during the trip, I was constantly asked if I was scared or worried about being in the country alone and traveling by bike. My typical answer was no and that I felt well prepared. But deep down, yes, there was concern and anxiety. However, and more importantly, I really believed that I could make this trip successful in all the aspects I wanted to (e.g. seeing as much as I could and creating partnerships with Italian food producers). I knew I'd have to work hard on the bike, be flexible with my schedule, speak from the heart, and listen rather than just hear. When the time came, I delivered on these points and it allowed me to make the most of my daily destinations and meet and hear the story and culture of many Italians.
As many of you know, I have ambitious plans for the near future. Again, deep down there is fear and anxiety about making it a reality and from Italy, I bring back many concepts, recipes, and stories that will be amazingly valuable. But of greater importance and something that is invaluable, I bring back a deeper sense of belief in myself and in my hopes for bringing something unique to our community. I know I am excited and I hope you are too.
Ciao e grazie to all of my dear friends and family. Your pizzaiolo is heading home.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Passo della Futa
Today was the last day on the bike. Perhaps most appropriately, it was a battle the whole day. I loved it. I hated it. Through it all, I was feeling and when not breathing too heavy, shivering too quickly, or taking quick glances through the gazetteer, I was reflecting on the trip.
The ride was about 115 km. With all the ups and downs, I estimate that there was roughly 4000 ft of climbing. I had to pass over the Mugello Mountains, which is the mountain range separating Toscana and Emilia-Romana. To do so, I went through Passo della Futa, about 903 meters a.s.l. I really wanted to get a nice shot at the pass, but the pass was completely socked in with fog and rain. At the pass, I'd estimate temps around 35-40 F. I wasn't sure if I'd see snow or not.
So one thing I thought about on the bike today is how the days spent cycling were really rewarding. Every night, looking at the map to see the ground I covered. That was a good feeling. But also, how I feel like I saw a lot each day. And, as I've mentioned previously, this is not a lot of famous or cool sites, but the details. When you plan a trip, you really don't think about these kind of every day occurrences. You structure your trip around cities and sites you want to see. Basically you identify destinations and this is a good way to plan a trip for logistics. I plan my own trips in the same way. So one thing I thought of today is how it'd be great to make the trip the destination. I think I have managed to do that here, even with all the prearrangements I had. One way was to cancel those reservations! but also to just go with the flow, take time to smell the flowers, and stop more often for photos or some pastry that I just couldn't pass up. In this way, maybe I saw something I would not have, met a little old lady baker that made me smile, or be questioned by old men in the street about my bike or the trip. This were those little things that we have no control over, but also have to be open to.
Well, just a short post today to comment on some thoughts during the ride. It was definitely bittersweet to arrive in Bologna. Here a few pics from the ride that I'll leave you with for the day.
crossing into Emilia-Romana |
So one thing I thought about on the bike today is how the days spent cycling were really rewarding. Every night, looking at the map to see the ground I covered. That was a good feeling. But also, how I feel like I saw a lot each day. And, as I've mentioned previously, this is not a lot of famous or cool sites, but the details. When you plan a trip, you really don't think about these kind of every day occurrences. You structure your trip around cities and sites you want to see. Basically you identify destinations and this is a good way to plan a trip for logistics. I plan my own trips in the same way. So one thing I thought of today is how it'd be great to make the trip the destination. I think I have managed to do that here, even with all the prearrangements I had. One way was to cancel those reservations! but also to just go with the flow, take time to smell the flowers, and stop more often for photos or some pastry that I just couldn't pass up. In this way, maybe I saw something I would not have, met a little old lady baker that made me smile, or be questioned by old men in the street about my bike or the trip. This were those little things that we have no control over, but also have to be open to.
Well, just a short post today to comment on some thoughts during the ride. It was definitely bittersweet to arrive in Bologna. Here a few pics from the ride that I'll leave you with for the day.
Purty country. |
Back side of Passo Futa. Nice roads! but wet today. |
post ride caffe and raisin-pecan crostada |
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Some new pizza discoveries in Firenze
Me and Piazzale Michelangelo, looking west over Firenze |
LP says this is the best "quick snack in all of Europe." Kind of a stretch in my opinion. |
Piazzale Michelangelo, looking east. No this pic hasn't been photoshopped. |
The Clubhouse in Firenze. |
From this pizza, I also discovered bresaola. Wow, its damn good. As you might have picked up from my previous posts, I love good prosciutto crudo. Bresaola has a very simlilar flavor and is from cattle. I've never seen it in Arizona, but I've also never looked. It'll be something I'll keep an eye out for from now on... its really good. The day is coming to an end in Firenze and tomorrow will be bittersweet. I need to rest up. Ciao!
The Cavaccino... not pizza, but damn good. |
Podere Ciona
Let me refocus.. the land of Podere Ciona was purchased by Franco and Franca Gatteschi in the 70's. They spent 3 years restoring the estate and then planted vines. The first wines released was the 1997 Chianti Classico Riserva DOCG. So, it took about 15 years to produce wine for release after the purchase of the estate. Since then, Franco has kept yields to a minimum of about 1 bottle per plant to insure consistency of his wine.
"Ah, Caleb, so glad you are here. You must stay and have lunch."
"Great, I brought some bread and cheese for us to have with the tasting."
Well, little did I know that Franca is a professional cook and hosts cooking classes all over the world. Tutti a Tavola is her business name. Check it out, they have a nice website. My bread and cheese would be returning to Siena with me that night. Its the thought that counts, right?
We finished the tour and headed back into their house for the tasting and lunch. Franca was busy in the kitchen and we chatted about her travels, the local Tuscan cuisine, and her business. I talked about pizza in the US, Pizzicletta, and my travels. It was another great moment of connecting with someone very passionate about their own work. For lunch, we would have gorgonzola ravioli drizzled with butter and Gran Padona, pugliese-style brea with a selection of about 7-8 cheeses, Franca's homemade gelato topped with her homemade lemoncillo, and caffe to finish. Oh, and let us not forget the wines. I was seriously beginning to wonder if I'd be making it back to Siena tonight or if I need to ask for a room in their agriturismo.
Then I moved up to the '06 Chianti Classico DOCG. Its 95% Sangiovese, 4% Merlot, and 1% Alicante Bouschet. Its fermented in medium-sized French oak barrels and aged for 18 months in French oak and 1 year in the bottle. With all the oak, I thought the vanilla flavor would dominate but it was nice and balanced with the full flavor of Sangiovese still present.
Finally, I had the '05 Le Diacce I.G.T. This is Ciona's flagship wine. Its 90% Merlot and 10% Alicante Bouschet. Again, fermented in medium-sized French oak but aged in French barriques. This was a big one with the Merlot coming right out at you. Strong tanins and the wine was nearly opaque. A wine that kind of felt like a meal on its own.
We spent well over an hour tasting and having lunch, during which time there were no quiet moments. I felt very honored to share this meal and their wine in such an intimate setting. Truly, this trip has allowed me to meet amazing people and has taught me a lot about how creating partnerships. One thing I think I've learned is how important sharing a meal together can be. In America, we often meet to discuss business, relationships, travels, etc. over coffee. Here in Italy, you break bread together. Perhaps this is a natural outcome when a country places such a high value on their food. Whatever the reason, its one I will adopt myself.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
earlier today at San Galgano, a 13th century Abbey |
In Italy, wood-fired ovens (herein referred to as forno or forni) are everywhere, and I mean in both space and time. I've seen forni in the south and in the north, in backyards and in pizzerias, and in communities and structures built thousands of years ago to some built in the last ten years. I love this fact. Such an ancient way of cooking that has lasted so long and is still in use so widely and frequently. I suppose I have a special affection for forni and for the masons behind their construction because of my own blood, sweat, and tears that went into the construction of my forno. So, enough of the fornoplay, I give you PornForno. The images are, to the best of my abilities, in chronologic order of their construction.
Pompeii, circa 1 AD |
Pompeii, circa 1 AD (rotate head... sorry) |
Pompeii, circa 1 AD |
Pompeii, circa 1 AD |
San Galgano, circa 1300 AD |
Sesti estate, circa Renaissance |
da Michele, circa 1870. The oven is in the background. Actually, I don't know the oven's age but the pizzeria has been there since 1870. |
Vecchio Forno, circa 1990 |
Vesi, Napoli, circa 2000 |
Il Portatico, Venosa, circa 1995 |
Cibo, Phoenix, circa 2005 |
Flagstaff, circa 2008 |
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